1. for hard work that pays off again:
We are reducing taxes and easing the burden on employees. We are making overtime pay tax-free. We are abolishing the so-called "citizen's income" and introducing a new basic income. Those who can work must also work. We want be there for those who really need help.
2. for new growth and secure jobs:
The traffic light has led Germany into recession. into recession. We are bringing Germany forward again. We are reducing corporate tax to 25 per cent, freeing the economy from bureaucracy and restoring planning security. We stand by the automotive industry and want to reverse the ban on combustion engines.
3. in favour of zero tolerance and a strong police force:
With electronic ankle bracelets for perpetrators of violence against women women, video cameras at hotspots and the storage of IP addresses, we are ensuring more security. security. Cannabis legalisation is an economic stimulus programme for crime and a danger to our youth. That is why we are cancelling it.
4. in favour of a change in migration policy:
The load limit has been exceeded. We are stopping illegal migration at our borders and rely on consistent rejections. The express naturalisation of the traffic light as well as the general possibility of dual citizenship.
5. for affordable energy and greater efficiency:
traffic light ideology is costing our country dearly. cost. We are in favour of technological openness. We are sticking to the nuclear energy option. We are lowering electricity tax and grid fees. We will make the costs of energy-efficient renovations deductible from inheritance and gift tax. We are abolishing Habeck's Heating Act.
6. for strong families:
We want to ease the burden on families and strengthen them financially by further developing the child allowance and increasing child benefit. We will maintain the splitting of income for married couples. To improve the compatibility of family and career, we will provide more support for childcare and ensure greater flexibility in working hours.
7. for our agriculture:
We are the advocates of rural areas and their people Farmers are the guarantors of our food security and deserve to be appreciated - not coerced. We are reintroducing the agricultural diesel refund.
8. in favour of a digital ministry for Germany:
We want to turn technological progress into prosperity for Germany. That is why we want to bundle the responsibilities for digitalisation in one ministry in the future.
9. for secure pensions:
There will be no pension cuts with us. We are sticking to the existing rules on retirement age. Anyone who voluntarily wants to work longer can earn up to 2,000 euros a month tax-free with our active pension. With an early-start pension, we provide for old-age provision from an early age.
10. for peace, freedom and security:
We have to be able to defend ourselves so that we don't have to defend ourselves. We are equipping the Bundeswehr so that it is fully capable of defence again. defence capability. For us, this means at least two per cent of gross domestic product.