Member of the Bundestag Ansgar Heveling
For Kaarst in the Bundestag
There is no direct representative from Kaarst in the state parliament or the Bundestag. Kaarst has been represented by the member of the Bundestag Ansgar Heveling since 2009.
In addition to his work in parliament, Ansgar Heveling's work in his constituency is an equally important part of his work as a member of parliament.
Politics does not take place in a vacuum in Berlin. The concrete effects of the decisions made in Berlin can be felt here in the Lower Rhine region. Only by talking to local citizens can I find out what moves people and what they expect from politics.
This allows me to take these ideas back to Berlin for my work. That's why talking to the citizens in my constituency is very important to me.
It makes up a large part of my political work. The CDU Kaarst maintains good contacts with Ansgar Heveling and regularly exchanges ideas with him.
Member of the state parliament Litz Lienenkämper
For Kaarst in the NRW state parliament
Lutz Lienenkämper has represented Kaarst in the state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia since 2005. Contact with citizens is very important to him - he seeks dialogue and wants to know their joys and sorrows.
We can only recognise undesirable developments through dialogue. As politicians, we need to know where the shoe pinches and what wishes and demands citizens have of politicians.
In doing so, we must reach all target groups well - because everyone wants to live well and safely, wants to thrive and develop. The citizens are one, but we must also ensure that the regional economy is doing well. Only if everything works well together will we have a good, sustainable future ahead of us.
Lutz Lienenkämper - Member of the State Parliament (
This is us:
Member of the European Parliament
Member of the German Bundestag
State Parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia