In the run-up to the city council elections in Kaarst on 14 September 2025 we cordially invite all members to a preparatory meeting. Together we would like to discuss important topics and set the course for a successful election.
Date: Monday, 9 December 2024, 7:00 pm
Location: Georg-Büchner-Gymnasium, Am Holzbüttger Haus 1, 41564 Kaarst
The agenda is listed below:
- Opening and welcome
- Regulations
- Determination of the proper convening of the meeting and the quorum
- Election of a chairman of the meeting
- Approval of the agenda
- Election of an election commission
- Election of a secretary for the minutes to be prepared in accordance with the model local election regulations (KWahlO)
- Election of two meeting participants for the affidavit
- Election of a shop steward and deputy shop steward
- Report of the Chairman
- Report of the Election Commission
- Notes and findings on the preparation procedure
- Election of candidates for the council elections
- Election of candidates for the constituencies
- Election of candidates for the reserve list including determination of their order
- Reading and approval of the minutes according to the KWahlO model
- Vote on the appointment of district council candidates and piggyback candidates
- Miscellaneous
- Closing remarks and end of the event
Please also note the following important information!
- If the invitation is issued in due form and time, the meeting has a quorum regardless of the number of attendees.
- Please bring your identity card with you so that you can identify yourself and the Credentials Committee can check your eligibility to vote if necessary.
- All offices and functions are of course equally open to women, men and people of diverse genders, regardless of the linguistic designation. The use of the generic masculine in this invitation is merely for the sake of better readability.
- Only CDU members who are entitled to vote on the day of the meeting in accordance with the Local Elections Act (§§ 7, 8 KWahlG) may participate in the election of candidates and substitute candidates for the council election.
The invitation is available here as PDF for printing available.
We look forward to your participation!
Christian Horn-Heinemann
Elke Bong
Dennis Oscheja
(Chairman and Deputy Chairman)