CDU on site in Holzbüttgen at the memorial / Kreuzstraße

On 11 October, the councillors Burghard Asche, Lars Witte and CDU mayoral candidate Christian Horn-Heinmann quickly entered into a lively exchange with the citizens of Experiences, opinions and new ideas for a shared TOMORROW in the neighbourhood. The Maintaining and improving the quality of housing and life in the transition and demarcation to the large Hüngert industrial estate should be secured through concrete co-design. These tasks must be realised:

  • The rapid realisation of the greenway from the railway station, crossing Bruchweg to the roundabout on the K37.
  • The Kaarst East traffic concept is to be updated.
  • The planning of the Commerhof 2 residential development must also be reviewed from a heavy rainfall perspective.
  • The Srouting of the Bruchweg and Kreuzstraße are to be reworked, taking into account the dilapidated road surface.

The promised redesign of the Bruchweg in connection with the Grünweg and the Exclusion of lorry traffic was seen as the right step in the neighbourhood concept positively rated. The citizens present were grateful for the detailed information and the comprehensible status thanks to the plans.
Wir freuen uns über die durchweg positiven Rückmeldungen der Bürger zu einer gelungenen Verständigung vor Ort. Diese Form der unkomplizierten Begegnung wünschten sich viele Bürger als feste Kontaktzusage von den CDU-Ratsmitgliedern – den Wunsch kommen wir gerne nach und bedanken uns für das konstruktive Miteinander. Ein „we will be back“ ist das gegenseitige Versprechen, auf das wir gerne zurückkommen.