CDU, because...
it makes policy for the people, it takes people as they are and does not dictate how they should live.
The Christian view of humanity forms the compass for our policies. By harmonising Christian-social, liberal, but also conservative values, a policy of moderation and middle ground is created.
Motivation - Why volunteer:
It's easy to just talk about what's not working. If you really want to change something, you have to be prepared to tackle it yourself and invest time in it.
My motivation is that my daughter can grow up in a Kaarst that is just as beautiful as the one I have had the privilege of living in. I'm ready to roll up my sleeves for that.
WingTsun, fishing, the common suffering with Borussia Mönchengladbach
What is particularly important to me:
My family comes first.
In the council parliamentary group, I am primarily concerned with financial, economic and sports policy issues. However, I am also particularly interested in internal security.
What wish do you have for Kaarst?
I hope that Kaarst will preserve its customs and traditions. Kaarst is a town with a great urban community that enriches the quality of life in sport, culture and social affairs through its huge voluntary commitment.