CDU, because ....
I have the desire to promote and defend Christian democratic values. CDU values such as Ludwig Erhardt's social market economy, individual freedom combined with personal responsibility and a sense of duty coincide with my own. The CDU's emphasis on family and education policy and the image of humanity developed by the CDU corresponds to my ideas of society.
Motivation - Why volunteer:
I want to get involved in specific local projects that directly affect the daily lives of citizens and myself in a positive way and bring about improvements. Voluntary political office is the only way to influence decisions, network with like-minded people and, last but not least, learn a lot.
Even though it's a lot of travelling from the Rhineland, I love skiing. In addition to my political voluntary work, I still have time to read, cycle and spend quality time with friends and family
What is particularly important to me:
My daughter and my wife
What wish do you have for Kaarst?
"Kaarst can do more" - I would like to see Kaarst retain its medium-sized town structures and my home town of Vorst retain its village character. Administration and politics must work more efficiently, more purposefully and more courageously, and there must be less shifting of responsibility. Specifically, I am committed to the rapid and cost-conscious implementation of all upcoming new school buildings and conversions and the finalisation of the KITA offer in the building construction committee.
For my home town of Vorst, I am in favour of only moderate new development, not without parallel adaptation of the existing infrastructure and improvement of the local facilities for children and senior citizens, e.g. playgrounds, assisted living and meeting places.